Adjusting traditional Kung Fu for modern-day situations.

MY Martial Arts BACKGROUND - Kung Fu Report #213


Every week Cris and I get a lot of questions asking us where I learned all techniques and what were my influences. In today's Kung Fu Report I'll sort these questions out and you will know what were my Wing Chun, Kung Fu, and other styles main influential elements.

If you would like to watch this video with subtitles, check this link out:


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BREAKING Opponents' BLOCK - Kung Fu Report #212


It is very hard to go through opponents' blocks especially when this person is bigger than you are. Wing Chun techniques are very effective when you need to get over your opponents' defensive line. Let's discuss it in this Kung Fu Report episode and leave your comments sharing with us what of the techniques demo you think would be more effective in a real combative situation.

If you would like...

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Where is the REAL SHAOLIN? - Kung Fu Report #211


Have you ever seen one of those martial arts movies or documentaries about The Shaolin fighter, temple, or style? Some people always question their style and philosophy so in today's Kung Fu Report episode we will discuss, in my point of view, how do I see the Shaolin style and some curious points I bet you didn't know about it. Check this video out and leave your comment on what you know about...

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Wing chun backup technique - ELBOW RECOVERY - #KFR 210


One of the questions sent by the audience was about a partner training situation where you get your elbow trapped. In today's Kung Fu Report, Cris and I will show you some of the training techniques I'd recommend you to use next time you and your training partner are playing.

If you would like to watch this video with subtitles, check this link out:


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How to analyze elements from other systems!

 In Gung Fu everything rests on a foundation that makes it work. Every unique system relies on very specific key principles and key concepts that it operates under. These ideas are based on the founder's physical and mental attributes. It also depends on the particular types of situations that he faced in his lifetime which completely depends on the time in history and type of society...
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Wing Chun Influenced by Hakka Martial Arts - KFR 209


Hakka people migrated from the north of China centuries ago. The reception in other regions was very hostile so they have to develop their very own martial arts style to defend their families and beloved ones. My family is a Hakkanese backgrounded family and on today's Kung Fu report I'm going to share with you how Kung Fu, Wing Chun, and Hakkanese style, mixed up during my martial arts...

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Wing Chun dealing with SUPERIOR FORCE - #KFR 208


One of the main concepts that can put you in a huge advantage against your opponents is to make your opponents lose power. In today's Kung Fu Report we will show you how to use Wing Chun techniques you train daily and convert them into ways to make your opponent low his strength and how you can technically deal with that. I hope you enjoy this episode and leave your comments if you knew any of...

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"FREEZE, FIGHT, RUN" - Can you override your gut instinct - KFR 207


During combat, a practicing, a fight, or an overheated situation, you most likely will take decisions based on your gut instincts. There are martial arts instincts that will definitely help you, and some that will put you in trouble. I've studied and trained Wing Chun, Kung Fu, and different martial arts over the years and there are very few people that train their instincts for some serious...

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COUNTER GRAB WING CHUN - Don't let him go!!! - KFR 206



Use these 7 energetic tips to release any grab - KFR 204

Some people are always asking me how can Wing Chun techniques be useful to real combat situations or real self-defense situations. This Kung Fu Report is a must for you to watch while you are training. Why? Because the modern Wing Chun expands from static concepts to energetic and practical applications....

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Use these 7 energetic tips to release any grab - KFR 204


All techniques work! The most effective technique is the one you train and works at the moment you need it. There is just one observation to it, Wing Chun, Kung Fu, or any other martial arts techniques are not downloadable! You can't learn overnight or in a train session. There are different elements that make it work effectively and in today's Kung Fu Report Cris & I will demo and share...

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